Donald Trump is front page news.
This businessman filled with bravado has us all wondering whether he's really going to make a Presidential run. Or, is this simply a giant ruse that he's created to promote his still popular ‘Apprentice’ show on NBC, while also serving to prop up the value of the Trump brand for a host of other business dealings.
My personal opinion is that this began as a very creative publicity stunt to build TV ratings. But, as media began to listen and widely report about him, ‘The Donald’ saw that a bona fide opportunity existed. Amazingly, the political polls have him steadily rising in popularity to the point where he is now a front runner on the Republican ticket. Some (like this blogger) view this as a sign of just how weak the Republican candidate list is. But, Trump could just play this out until he needs to declare his official run for the office (or not) just to see what options he has along the way.
Donald Trump is arrogant, shows a complete lack of humility and certainly rubs many the wrong way with his outspoken and often controversial viewpoints. His personality and character would be more suited to a third world nation dictator, than the president of any democratic nation. But, he is also very smart.
That's because it really doesn't matter what candidate Trump says. The masses are going to listen and there is almost no downside to what he does and says at this point.
Take as an example his laughable rhetoric on the birther issue surrounding Obama. Only the far right chooses to believe that this could be true. But, by peddling this nonsense to anyone who will listen, Trump now has minted a new loyal base of followers.
How about the Libya issue and what to do with Qaddafi? He was asked this question on ‘The Today Show’ last week. His answer was so comical, yet also refreshing because in stating that he only wants "the oil" or “let's stay out of that mess,” he did something that no real politician would ever do. He spoke the truth. At the same time, this comment served to fan the flames of melodrama around him, serving to create even more exposure, while his new loyalists flocked to watch ‘The Apprentice’ because they need to soak up his energy whenever possible.
Yes, this is what we often call a win/win scenario for Mr. Trump. And, I have to respect how he's created a reality in which his go or no go presidential decision falls squarely around the last and most important season finale of his hit show.
Most blogs and stories on this topic focus around whether this is a big hoax, or if Mr. Trump's views/comments give him a legitimate chance for the nomination. To me, that's all background noise.
Personally, I can't ever see him choosing to run because that means opening up his finances to the world. I could be wrong, but just believe that there are far too many skeletons in his business closet to open up to the world. The negatives far outweigh the positives on this one.
Instead, what I find really interesting is just how long he'll milk this enormous opportunity along the way and the entertainment value that I can take in every time he speaks.
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